Easy vorlauf

Rather than slowly pour the 2 or so quarts during the initial run-off when batch sparging I thought…there has to be a better way.

Deep casserole tin and a thermometer is all thats required
Poke a bunch of holes in the middle…VOILA!
By the time my wort starts to run clear its about enough to fill this, then I can move on to other things (cleaning, etc.)


Ummm . .  Is that a RED mash tun?  ;D

That IS a stainless steel takeout tin, isn’t it?  :smiley:

Why vorlauf at all?

I insert the runoff hose into a nylon paint strainer bag. Just crack the valve open and start the runoff.  Continue to open the valve in small increments until it is fully open.  When I’m done I have less than a teaspoon of grain in the bag. No need to vorlauf, in my opinion.  :slight_smile:

What other color could someone possibly choose?
Its been proven time and again that red mash tuns improve efficiency, fermentation and the love life of those that use them.

Nope, a cheapo aluminum one.

…thats easier than running it into a pitcher then dumping into a tin how?

I guess I don’t understand why you’re pouring it back into the tin…

I think he’s trying not to disturb the grain bed.  I’ve never had an issue dumping it right in, though.

Me, either…hence the question.

ah, now I see, kemusabe.  :wink: ;D

Had an issue once just dumping it in there and started doing it after that,
I could stop but if I have issues again I’m chasing you guys down.

I stir before my first run off and let the grain bed settle for a few minutes.

Now I will poke into the hornet nest.

I stir my grain bed when I am sparging.
This prevents any channeling.

All this said you only need about 3" of grain bed for clear run off.
I recirculate while mashing and when I sparge I stir top of grain bed a few times.
I have a feeling (but not proof) that I get slightly better extraction.

Yes . . I thought it was obligatory to stir the sparge water . . at least a little if BATCH sparging. Of course I STOP stirring about a minute or so before I drain the sparge.

It is pretty much a necessity to stir in the sparge water well before your sparge runoff if you’re batch sparging.  But I don’t wait at all after doing that…I simply start my vorlauf and it clears within a qt. or 2.

Hi, I’m Sean and I don’t vorlauf. :-[

I did it the first dozen or so times, then realized the number of grain particles I was actually keeping out of the boil was in the low double digits.

Yeah, it’s just based on if you need it or not.  I do it every time since it’s fast and easy for me, but I hardly ever need to vorlauf more than a qt.  Takes just a few seconds, so I do it anyway.

I vorlauf not so much to reduce the bits and pieces of grain in the wort, but  to get a less cloudy runoff (maybe some think of it as the same thing . . I dunno) Anyway, the REAL easy vorlauf method is using the good ol’ March pump to do the work and not have to drain and pour, drain and pour, drain and pour. Usually by the time I send the wort to the BK, the wort is free of debris and pretty darn clear.

Like Denny, I’ve never had an issue with gently pouring wort back into the MLT.  Since I recently got a pump, I use it (with the output trimmed by a ball valve) to recirculate and run the pump’s output hose into a plastic bowl sitting on top of the grain bed. Once the wort clears, I move the output hose to the boil kettle and open the valve some more.