eBooks from Brewers Publications

Has anyone had much luck finding eBooks from Brewers Publications, Kindle or iBooks?  I would really like to get Ray Daniels’ “Designing Great Beers“ and Gordon Strong
's “Brewing Better Beer”. I’ve tried emailing and calling Brewers Publications to find out their plans for publishing a digital version of these and other books but cannot get a response. I have “Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew” by Jamil Zainasheff on Kindle and it’s a terrific book in a terrific format. Does anyone have more info?

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?n4wkmc

I actually returned the Kindlke BCS and ordered the print version. It looked like a scan of the original and some of the tables/charts looked horrible. Maybe they fixed that.

Got a great response on another forum.

Brewers Publications is converting books a little at a time for kindle and other eBook formats.  The next up are How to Brew and Sacred Herbal and Healing Beers.  Technical books are more complicated to produce than straight text books due to formatting requirements that you don’t have in your average fiction/romance/etc. books.  We are going through each text and proofing them.  We are working to produce eBooks not long after the release of printed titles as we introduce them but our backlist will take a little time and is proving to be somewhat labor intensive.  I’m hoping that as we move through them the process goes a little faster as we learn the limitations as well as what we need to be looking for.  You can stay tuned to new releases and any eBook info by “liking” Brewers Publications on facebook or following BP on Twitter @beerbooks

I believe I’ve responded to everyone by email that has emailed directly.  There was one phone message I’ve had difficulty receiving so I couldn’t pull the number - maybe that was you?  If so, my apologies for not having called back quickly - I’m usually pretty good about that;)

Kristi Switzer
Brewers Publications

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?ulxphs