Efficiaency and Water Chemistry?

HEy Denny, I thought you were gonna add effficeiency to this area?  Another topic fitting of this area would be water chememistry.  Yeh, I’m half smashed but it don’t mean I can’t relay my thoughts.  ::)  I think water chemisty should be a sticky in this area too… there is a lot that can be said about it.  I’m learning a lot abpout the water in MY area.  Sometimes it may ber more convienet and efficient for somewone to brew based on their water supply etc. rather than to try to duplecate another area…

Dean, I’ll se if the other mods think we need separate sub areas for the topics you mention.

BTW, 99% of the time, I brew what fits my water rather than build water to fit what I brew.

Though it is a big topic I don’t think we need a special category for it. Ingedients or all grain works well. In addition to that most users glance over all the new posts anyway to find interesting topics to look at.


I’m leaning towards brewing what works well here too, thats what the beers we like seem to be known for.  I keep saying I’m gonna get my water tested but I’m such a tightass I keep putting it off.  The only thing that pee’s me off is when I have to dump a batch and I’ve dumped a couple here after trying really hard to drink them.  :D  I have to cut my hop bill down a Lot with this water, which may be a mixed blessing I suppose.  :-\

Kai is probably right… no real need, I just see some of the same Q’s being asked frequently and thought it would be nice to be able to just be able to click a subject rather than ask it again.

That need would be best served by a good sticky thread.
