Eis by mistake?

I think I made my first eisbock. I had a keg of Vienna sitting in a lagering cooler at 32° (I thought) I tapped it yesterday, noticed once I got it in the house that the condensation looked a little like frost, but didn’t give it much thought. Just got off work a tried a sample. Lots of foam at first, then a really cold really strong Vienna. Tastes good, just way stronger than it should be. So maybe at serving temp for a day or two it will go back to normal.

What should I expect? Permanent haze?  Will I have to agitate or will it go back to homogeneous on its own?

I suspect that it will be normal once it melts.  It may be even clearer than before.  The carbonation may be low initially as the ice doesn’t contain much CO2. I wouldn’t do anything other than the beer melt.

Pull the keg out of the cooler and let it sit at room temp for a day or two.  It’ll melt, and then you can re-carbonate in your lagering chamber.


Hey thanks guys.