Electric BIAB 20 Gallon Brainstorming

Good afternoon,

I am looking for a first home and want to step up my brewing game to 20 gallon 240-V electric BIAB when I do so, but I also do not want to spend 2,000 dollars+ on the set up either because I need to allocate cash for potential house improvements. Goal is roughly 1,500 or less after potential sales.

I want to stay away from non-modular systems as well (Grainfather, SVBS, BrewTools, etc.), but I also lack the skills to do a complete DIY setup (aka I cannot hope to build a PID controller) yet I am not adverse to cobbling a system together.

I already have a Riptide TC pump.

Any advice on what systems you would recommend and the pros/cons associated?

These are the three systems I have been thinking of, but am willing to look at the more DIY systems as well such as the ones sold by High Gravity and Brewhardware…the first two are more expensive than my budget, but I am hoping for a potential sale by the time I buy the home.

Also, what is your favorite PID controller?

  1. Spike Solo 20 Gallon Flat-Bottomed (I cannot reasonably afford the bottom-drain version)

  2. Clawhammer 20 Gallon

  3. SS Brewtech eBrewing 1V System*

*is there a way to add a custom basket to this system or am I stuck with a brew bag?
I plan on using Brewhardware’s Spincyle Overboard with potential modifications with this setup to mimic the sparge/whirlpool capabilities of the other systems  https://www.brewhardware.com/product_p/spincycleoverboard.htm

I went with this:

Using the High Gravity wort hog controller:


I have used ripple elements and the sling blade elements and like either.  After a while I added the HERMS kettle from Stout and the InfuSSion Mash tun for a 3 vessel HERMS system (I grew tired of using a hoist for large BIAB batches).

Check out the High Gravity Fermentations website… https://highgravitybrew.com/ They have turnkey electric BIAB systems available but the biggest I have seen on their site is 15 gallons. BUT the good thing about High Gravity is that they have all the individual parts so you can put your own system together.

You can find a 20 gallon Blichmann Boilermaker kettle for under $500.00… a 20 gallon Spike for under $400… and a 25 gallon Brewmaster kettle for $199.00. They have a variety of heating elements and cords for a couple hundred dollars or less. Their Wort Hog EBC-130 controller will let you set your mash temps and boil power settings and is just under $400.00. Those would be the basic parts needed. You may want a temperature probe and there could be a few other fittings and connectors. All told you will be right at $1000.00 total.

There are cheaper options if you shop around for parts and have some DIY skills but for me, I liked the one stop shopping at HG.