Empty White Labs Vials - reusable for slants?

This may be out there somewhere, but I didn’t find an answer. It’s a quick question, inspired by looking at a load of empty White Labs vials and a desire to make some slopes.  I have the means to autoclave in my pressure cooker or pressure canner. Are the vials reusable for this purpose?

I’ve had the same thought, but after pulling some warped and shriveled PETE containers out of my dishwasher, I’ve been afraid of melting vials to the bottom of my pressure cooker.  Besides I can “borrow” glass culture tubes from work.

If you’re talking about autoclaving the tubes, yeah, they’ll melt.  If you’re just talking about adding autoclaved agar to them, it should be fine as long as you let it cool sufficiently before you add it to the tube.

On the other hand, glass tubes can be gotten cheaply.  I don’t know what you’ll do with 1000 of them, but these are inexpensive and (comparatively) in your area.  Add some parafilm and you’ll be set for a long time. :slight_smile:

Here’s the ones I use for slants…


…come in packs of 12 for $5.50

Those are nice and would work really well.  Quite a bit more pricey than the others, but in more manageable quantities.  I mean, it’s nice to get 1000 for $20, but then you have 1000 tubes . . .

…only giving rise to further comments about how much brewing related equipment is in the house.

you could always turn them in for free stuff

You need to autoclave for slants.
If you boil then they turn milky and you will lose seal from the cap.

After I use yeast from the vial I add some (20 ml) autoclaved 1035 wort and grow yeast in there.
It seams to be working.

Why not just clean them and sterilize with iodophor?

Iodophor (Starsan, etc.) are sanitizers, not sterilizers.  For slants, since we’re dealing which such small amounts, sanitization isn’t enough.

Isopropyl Alcohol? Vodka? Gin? ::slight_smile:

I’d be more worried about the nosy neighbor who thinks I’m making crack.


Could always tell the wife they are for vodka shooters at her next party… and the party after that… and the party after that… Hmm if we are going to throw that many parties, I had better brew some more beer!!  ;D