Looking for suggestions on favorite English recipes. I currently have WLP030 and WLP033 first gen working on a standard bitter. What are your favorite English style porter, mild, ESB, barleywine recipes? I want to run several brews with these strains while I was able to get them, I see a lot of Maris Otter in my future
Tastes more like the modern idea of porter, despite the old naming convention (stout being a stronger porter) being used. This is now my go-to dark beer recipe.
I’ve posted this one before. Haven’t brewed it exactly per the directions, but “Americanizing” the ingredients and calling it an American Mild has worked very well. No caramel colorant needed.
I’ve never brewed one. I usually stick to the more sessionable side of bitters, I don’t think I’ve brewed one above 4.5% ABV. (Which may still be an ESB, according to some) The last bitter I brewed was a split batch experiment with (I think) 1968 and 1318. Typical grist, MO, crystal, and chocolate malt to color. Way too thick in body, this was the beer that convinced me that these lower ABV British styles need to be dry. (and a bit lighter in body.)
Again, I haven’t brewed one. Some day I’ll get around to trying this one out…the label should look familiar…
Crazy follow up: I’ve known about “shut up about Barclay Perkins”, but when I go to the site, I don’t see links to any if these recipes. What am I missing/where do I find his recipes, other than what you have linked above? And thanks for the links, they all look good
I’ve got this link bookmarked, and the links I posted above are all found in it. This is my “first pass” method for looking for a recipe.
My “second pass” is just to search for the style I’m looking for on his website. His search function works really well, even to the point of tracking down specific yeast strains used.
Searching “Let’s Brew” ought to get you all the recipes.
Thanks Phil, I could not even find a search option. His site was my first pass before I even started this thread. I will bookmark on my laptop once I get to work
The search bar is pretty easy to miss…top left of the page, just to the right of the blogger.com icon.
Now you’ve got me digging around for recipes…really want to try this one:
Thanks, I see it now, right where one would expect to find it. Not sure why I missed it the first time around. Thanks for the tip
There’s also this helpful site:
It maintains links to all of the Let’s Brew posts on Ron’s site.
That’s excellent!!! Hadn’t seen that one before. Thanks for sharing!
That is awesome, thanks again
Your welcome! That list is definitely a good way to lose an hour or two of your day.