Entering first IPA only contest. Question about BJCP Style Guideline?

I’m entering an IPA only contest in Washington in a little less than a month’s time. I have a question about how stringent judges adhere to the BJCP guidelines. Basically my quandary is that I intend to enter an American IPA that adheres to all style guidelines, but the IBU’s came out high at 88, which is above the style. ABV, SRM etc. misses the style for an Imperial by too much. Do you enter it as is, in the American IPA category or into the Other IPA category where you’ll be competing with who knows what? The IBU is strictly a Brewtoad calculation, maybe it’s not even accurate. Doesn’t taste to hoppy to me and I know a hoppy beer.

The particulars:

1.071 OG : 1.014 FG : 88 IBU : 6 °L SRM : 7% ABV - According to Brewtoad

Galena (bittering), Australian Summer, Falconer’s Flight, Citra and Mosaic (Everything else)

My first Citrus based IPA. Love the only bottle I’ve tried so far (ten days of carbonating). Bless this cold weather with it’s easy cold crashing capabilities.

Thanks, I’m new at this organized competition thing.


I’ve entered and judged at that competition, last year I sat at BOS table.  If it tastes more like an IPA enter it as such or enter it as both. But if you enter it under the other you need to be able to properly describe it.

Anyways you are only 18 IBU above the range and really without having a lab analysis you can’t be certain how your process correlates with the calculations.

To me the difference between 70 and 88 is not as stark as the difference between 22 and 40. In other words, an IPA that is 18 over isn’t such a foul as being 18 over on a Helles

I would also note that 88 IBU’s you ‘have’ in there are only calculated… IE an estimate.  If the beer doesn’t taste overly bitter you should be fine (Assuming it tastes like a good fresh American IPA).

I agree - overshooting IBUs on a Kolsch is much more noticeable  +1 to going with what it tastes most like.

and, thankfully, the judges to not have the data sheet and recipe in front of them while judgeing.

and on top of all of that, judges usually tend to favor those beers that push or exceed the upper limit of the style guidelines anyways, appearance being the exception.

Thanks for the responses guys. I appreciate it. I’ll stick with the American IPA category.