I like wine as much or more than the next guy, but I’m not sure I could drink enough to pay $60 for an erlenmeyer flask. I’m definitely in the wrong business…
I suppose I didn’t make the decanter usage clear in my original post. In my defense, I’d had a glass or two of wine. Though I did not pour it from an erlenmeyer flask.
No worries. I was making fun of myself more than anyone else. ::) I just assumed it was a “who thinks they can get that for a flask from a home brewer/vintner” kind of joke.
People I know who blindly follow the wine enthusiast probably would think it’s a great deal. They have paid through the nose for highly rated wines, been sorely disappointed and have then gone back for more recommendations. :o
Some of the most liberal gun laws yet people are not allowed to have Erlenmeyer flasks w/o a permit. That’s crazy. It may even be easier to buy a gun than lab equipment.
I am sure it is completeley impossible to manufacture meth without erlenmeyer flasks as well. There couldn’t possibly be some other non-regulated glass ware that would work right? unless you also need a permit for measuring cups, mason jars and pyrex baking dishes.
You don’t even need anything that fancy. A lot of meth is made using the small batch “shake & bake” method these days. It can be done in a plastic soda bottle. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/shake-n-bake-meth/p3sapwz The company I work for bid on and won a State contract to do meth lab hazmat cleanups, but we only got a couple calls over a whole year because the sneaky meth rats do this now instead of setting up a whole lab. They do it because it’s mobile and harder to get caught. It can be done in the back seat of a moving car and, if the cops show up, the meth rats can toss the whole “lab” out the window and drive off.