Anyone have any good good extract ESB recipes they would be willing to share? I only have 3 batches under my belt so I am not knowledgeable enough to create my own yet. But I finally have a few slow days and want to brew a batch this week.
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Chiswick Bitter is partigyled with ESB (and London Pride and Golden Pride).
Simply increase the pale malt extract and the hops to get ESB.
Ant Hayes
Tonbridge, Kent
After searching through a bunch of recipes online, I decided to combine a couple. How does this sound:
8 lbs. Extra Pale Liquid Malt Extract
12 oz. Crystal 60L
2 oz. Victory Malt
2 oz. Aromatic Malt
1.25 oz. Target - 60 minutes
.5 oz. Northern Brewer - 15 minutes
.5 oz. East Kent Goldings - 5 minutes
.5 oz. Challenger - 5 minutes
.5 oz. Challenger - dry hop in secondary
Wyeast London ESB ale yeast
The only thing outside of ESB guidelines (according to is my expected fg is 1.018 and guidelines call for 1.016. Any suggestions on how to bring that down? Or does it not really matter?
You won’t know what your FG is until you make the beer. Any tool that tries to estimate it is just making a SWAG.
If you know from experience that your LME with that much crystal malt won’t ferment down below 1.018, I would replace some of the extract with sugar. This works for any beer, and it is within the style guidelines for an ESB as well. 1/2 - 3/4 lb. of plain table sugar would work fine, but you can also use corn sugar or something like Lyle’s Golden Syrup.
I would leave out the victory and aromatic, unless you are going to do a mini-mash. Add british chocolate malt to get your color to about 15 SRM. If you can get ahold of some Simpson’s Dark Crystal (75L), use that! It’s WAY more authentic than generic 60L. Dry hop with 1oz of EKG in secondary.
My $.02.
I just checked my hbs and they don’t carry the Simpson dark crystal. Is there anything else that is more authentic to the style? They do carry British Chocolate and if I switch out the victoty and aromatic with 4 oz. of British chocolate it puts me at 16 srm.
If I were to switch out 2 lbs. of extract with 2 lbs. of table sugar how would that change my flavor profile? Also up to this point I have always used pellet style hops, is there any benefit to using leafs?
Thanks for the help guys. There is nothing better for me than coming home from a day fishing the river, grilling some burgers, and enjoying a couple good ESB’s. I am hoping this batch turns out good and I can really enjoy it this March.
I ended up brewing this on New Years, but I made a few changes based on available ingredients at the hbs
6 lbs. Coopers light extract
12 oz. table sugar
12 oz. English Crystal 60L
3 oz. English Chocolate
1.25 oz. Target - 60 minutes
.5 oz. Northern Brewer - 15 minutes
1 oz. East Kent Goldings - 5 minutes
1 oz. East Kent Goldings - dry hop in secondary
Wyeast London ESB ale yeast
My OG ended up at 1.053