If you have access to HD and sound a definite must! Enjoy.
(High speed internet is a must)
From the description:
"PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it. "
Nifty…unfortunately, its not helping me stave off this vacationlust that has me seeking to shove my family into a car and drive west. Arizona and Utah are two of my favorite states for scenery.
I watch Vimeo on a 42" HDTV. I watch more Vimeo than all else combined. The stop motion HD videos shot with DSLRs are my favorite.
I’m shooting some of the same out on Kilauea. Unfortunately back in March Pele got tired of her ocean-front home, put on a big show for about a week on the east rift, then retreated back into Halemaumau and Puu O`o. Both places are either off limits, or very difficult to get to.
So I’ve been working on clouds being driven into the saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea by the trade winds. Pretty cool, but not hot lava.
Pele can be such a fickle b!tch when she chooses to be, but I love her none the less.
good stuff - a decent portion of that video is within a short drive from the house, somehow i never tire of the scenery. thanks for the thread. cheers, j
I would set that to record and play in the background as I did house work.
I want to retire to a small cabin in the 4 corners area. Durango, Cortez, Farmington, Moab.
Trust me the desire for me to go somewhere is strong right now. Almost jumped on a plane
to Belgium…I do have 5 days off this weekend
I need to go somewhere.