I am going to make an all extract - extra light and 34/70. It will be a rush brew day. Why because a short brew day is on the menu. But guess what, it won’t be LoDo. So it will be sh*t in a carboy right?
Some times you just have to let things go
(I kid, I kid… slightly… )
I brewed a Mr Beer “Classic American Light” kit last year as a lager using 34/70 and half an ounce of Tettnang added at flameout. It wasn’t an award-winner, but it was a tasty beer and better than I had expected. The batch disappeared quickly.
If I had unlimited time, and no snow on my deck, then I’d always cook every steak on the grill. But sometimes you just want a steak, and a cast iron pan is good enough. I’ve never said “I wish I grilled this one” when I was eating it. That’s sort of my thoughts on extract beer. You drink the beer that’s there, not the one that could have been. And that’s usually plenty good for me.