So I’m thinking about getting one, but I’m just wondering if there is any downside? Is the yeast catcher (I don’t know the proper part name) big enough for most/any batch? Is it as airtight as it should be? Just wondering if there is any reason NOT to get one.
Thanks in advance!
This was discussed a bit back. I’m away from my computer, so it is difficult to find the thread. Most of the negative reviews were based on the original version when it was called the v-vessel. I hear the new company has made some improvements. I think overall, it’s too early to say for sure, and there are some other quality options out there.
I believe there are other plastic conicals out there that people like better. Take a look at the mini brew too.
You can find discussions here and on other forums about these contraptions. The original model frequently clogged the yeast bulb in the bottom but the seller claims to have fixed that issue. A continuing issue is how to temperature control the fermentor. It is designed to be mounted on a wall which makes it very difficult to control unless you can mount it in a room that already has stable temperature in a suitable range. There is a stand you can buy but the combination of stand and fermentor seems quite tall and a challenge to fit in a fridge or freezer.
Hi - I just joined this forum and saw this topic - thought I would throw my 2 cents in. In another thread there seems to be some concern about not being able to clean the valve? I have my new model Fast Ferment and love it. 7 days after starting, my SG went from 1.090 - 0.992. You close the valve and remove the ball and empty and sanitize and replace it. That first ball isn’t a full pint a wine - it is your oak chips, etc. As far as sanitizing the valve? I have a 2 cup measuring cup that I fill with one step and water. Before I replace the ball I put that under the valve and all parts that come in contact with wine are now sanitized. After I am all bottled up - I take the entire unit outside and I fill it with one step and water about 2 gallons of it. I wash the inside of the vessel by hand and then open the valve - That flushes out any leftover wine or debris - I never had an issue with contamination. I love it. Of course…those who prefer the carboy method, well, that’s what you stick with. I just find this easier for me because it is hard for me to move things around.
However you make it - Please enjoy!!
I’ll add that I have one of these but I have not used it. Looking at it it seems like it should be easy enough to clean and sanitize. I didn’t see any glaring issues at least. I’m planning on using it next weekend so we shall see I guess