Does anyone have any reviews of this product? Mainly I am trying not to blow off so much liquid volume during fermentation.
Is that more a product of not leaving head space? Or?
I use 5 gallon carboys and fill them to the top ring of glass. Then I use blow off values that go into a half gallon glass jar, filled about 1/4 way.
I guess it depends on the yeast strain but last two fermentation’s have ended up filling the remainder of the glass jar and still blow off more than that, so I make a mess.
Any recommendations? Or try fermcap? Looking for other methods.
You just need a bigger fermenter. Headspace 33% of wort volume is reasonable. If you’re into the carboy thing, a 6.5 gal could do it; the crap will stick to the shoulders and not fall back into the beer.
b) use it as an opportunity to split the batch into your current and another smaller fermenter which could allow you to try different techniques (i.e. dry hop one with hop A but not the other or with hop B), use different yeasts, ferment at different temps, etc, or…
c) ferment less wort in your current setup.
As a data point, I use a 7 gal fermenter for my 5.5 gal wort vol so I get near as possible to 5 gal beer in a keg. [emoji481]
I used to fill my 5s less, to like 4.5gal. But then I measured out how much 5 gallons was so I started filling the boys to there. I don’t really want to get different carboys, though I’ve been eyeing the SS brew bucket and if so probably start doing secondary ferments in the case that I bought one.
No comments on fermcap? I’m just curious as to the actual reduction in blow off I might see.
I use Fermcap-S when boiling starters and in the fermenter with good results. I have had one blow off since starting to use it. The brew just prior to that had a lot more krausen than expected as well. I surmised that the Fermcap had gotten old and was no longer effective. Sure enough, got a fresh bottle and haven’t had a problem since.
I add a couple of drops to my kettle to prevent boil-overs. It doesn’t seem to carry over into the fermenters and I usually have enough head space to keep from making a big mess. I think it would work fine though.
Fermcap works great. I used to use it in my fermentors before moving to fermenting in kegs, and it works well. I still use it in my boil kettle for every batch. It won’t eliminate krausen, but it will reduce the amount so something like a hefe may be less likely to blow off.
I’ve never had a boil over so there’s that. I think I’d try it in a starter though based on he comments. But lately, those imperial yeast packs have plenty of yeast, so unless I’m trying to build up some dregs I don’t know when I’d ever use it. Who knows. Maybe I’ll spin to win soon enough.
I’ve only fermented in a keg once and it wasn’t the greatest experience. Maybe because a bunch of hop matter clogged my gas post.
I used to use it, but I stopped fro two reasons. First, I found I really don’t need it. For starters, I make a qt. of wort in a 6 qt. pot, so no danger of boilovers. In the kettle, I spray the foam down if necessary. I use big enough fermenters that my blowoff is minimal, if any. Second, there is a slight possibility of negative health effects. Even though slight, I have enough health issues already to not make me want to chance any others.