
My only big fermenter is full of Rauchbier and I would like to help a buddy out and brew up some beer for him, all while helping myself.
A group of us meet at his basement bar every Thursday and drink his homebrew (sometimes mine is on as well)

Well he got a little behind during the holidays and needs to get re-stocked.

I can get a 10 gallon corney from him tonight and can have a Dunkelweizen ready in three weeks but have never used fermcap.

Does it all settle with the yeast and does it aid in yeast flocculation at all? The later is something I DONT want with the Dunkelweizen.

Yes it does settle out so it does nothing to the beers head retension. It just changes the surface tension so you don’t get boil overs or, when added at the end of the boil will reduce the amount of kreusen. I don’t believe it affects flocculation at all.

I brewed a hefe with it and I did not see any change in the flocculation compared to before I started to use it.