So exactly when can I confirm that fermentation is over based on subsequent gravity readings? Is it 3 days?
Secondly, is there a chance that there is still airlock activity after fermentation?
So exactly when can I confirm that fermentation is over based on subsequent gravity readings? Is it 3 days?
Secondly, is there a chance that there is still airlock activity after fermentation?
Take a reading, wait 2-3 days. Take another, wait 2-3 days. Take another, wait 2-3 days. If these readings agree, you’re done. IF you’re done, the airlock activity is just CO2 coming out of solution, not fermentation.
Agreed but I’d add to taste the samples. Seems obvious but some folks don’t. If you don’t taste them you could end up a month later saying “hey, I taste butterscotch! What do I do now?” Not much if it’s in the bottle
I’d add that fermentation is over when gravity stops dropping, and readings just 12 hours or so apart can confirm that. But it’s beneficial for the beer to rest warm for a few extra days anyway, so waiting 2-3 days between readings makes sense.