FermWrap on Fermenator?

I currently use FermWraps and glass carboys for raising fermentation temps in my basement during the winter months.  I must admit that this simple system works great, but I love the idea of someday owning a stainless steel conical.  Would the Fermwrap allow you to raise and maintain ale fermentation temperatures on a Blichmann Fermenator or is the wall of the Fermenator too thick to make much of a difference?

It’s not as thick as a carboy, and will actually be easier to heat/cool

I use these fermwarps on 3 bbl plastic conical wrapped with insulation to control fermentation temps in a 38 degree cold room. They work great. For cheap wraps check out www.reptilebasics.com

That is is what I use on my Blichmann, to control the temp in a 38-40F garage in the winter. Works fine. You might want to have something around the fermentor to conserve energy. The shipping box was my choice.

I would think it would work better on a SS conical than a glass carboy.  SS is a better conductor of heat than glass, and also thinner than a glass carboy.  Another thing to consider is the size of the conical.  A 10+ gallon conical will produce more fermentation heat, due to its overall mass, than a 6.5 gallon carboy.  I would think that a conical would be more difficult to cool and easier to heat than a carboy.