I have an imperial brown lager with OG of 1.075 that appears to be at 1.010 after two weeks with S189. Is this going to have too much of a bite to it? The hydrometer is bottoming out at the bottom of the fermenter since it was a small batch so it could be even lower. I was worried it would attenuate enough but am having it the opposite problem.
90 minute mash around 150f. Missed my OG so made it up with 2% DME and 2% table sugar. I can provide any additional details when I don’t have to type from my phone…
Carbonation will transform it. Don’t judge it until then.
Try a little extra CO2 (maybe an extra 1/4 vol?). The spritz helps make it seem more bright and lively, thereby fuller than it is.
Thank you. I haven’t even tasted it yet. Was curious where the gravity was at so threw the hydrometer directly into the fermenter. A couple of years ago I had a double black ale that was similar and ended up fine. Planning to bottle in couple of weeks and store it cold until xmas.
Checking my notes, my last four lagers with S-189 came in at an average of 78% apparent attenuation. My Oktoberfest came in a little lower than my expectations at 1.010. However, once carbonated, like santoch mentioned, the mouthfeel and the perception of maltiness was right on.
I’m pretty sure that my experience with S-189 is typical: it is said to enhance maltiness. And, all of my lagers were within one point of AA. Your AA seems a bit higher, but it’s only a number.
Wait til it’s ready to drink, forget the numbers, and see how you like it.
Thanks. I just have issues with bigger beers apparently. I either get a lot more or a lot less attenuation than expected. I normally get near 80% with S-189 but I guess the longer mash did its job.
This is supposed to be a giveaway Christmas beer which is the main reason for my concern. Last years version was over carbonated which was really disappointing because I didn’t realize until after giving them away.
Well I took a proper reading today and it is actually at 1.016. Not sure how the reading in the fermenter was so misleading. Maybe I thought the line for 1.015 was 1.010…
Sample tastes great but has a very slight alcoholic/solvent bite. I think it will fade with some lagering time. It is actually tasting like what I would expect from a doppelbock although I am admittedly not too familiar with that style. Definite malt bomb with very light notes of chocolate, coffee, and caramel.
64% Munich 9L
18% Pilsner
9% flaked oats
5% caramunich I
2% Brown malt
2% carafa special I