So as the title says, I have not brewed in quite some time. I had planned on brewing back in October but life got in the way. My questions are as follows:
I had my grain for 2 separate batches weighed out ready to mill (base and some specialty grains all together,) they have been in air tight containers since then. Will I notice any change in flavors since all have been stored together for months, should I start over with fresh product?
I had also purchased my necessary volume of RO back then as well. It has been sitting there waiting for me to put it to use, mocking my lack of brewing every time I walked by it. Should I get fresh water, or will this be fine? It was stored in my water cooler style bottles with caps on hand tight since then.
What would you all do?
Bet the malt will be fine. You might check it for weevils before milling, depending on where they were stored. While I am a freshest best person - 6 months ain’t all that much for malt, especially unmilled.
I bet the RO is fine. If you are concerned, chuck a half of campden tablet in the night before you brew.
We did an experiment with milled grains at EB and after 2 months no one could tell the difference. I crushed grain for a BDSA 2 months ago and I’m finally getting time to brew it this week…no worries. Don’t forget about all the breweries using pre milled grain, too. IIRC, Briess says that actually 6 mos. is OK. Your water will be fine, too.
I once won a medal with a lager that was brewed with 3 year old grain. I also brewed 3 batches since October with water older than that. Only thing that hurts the water is sunlight. Not a standard practice, but when things happen, I’m not afraid to rock on now.
The lager and IPA I just brewed both used grain older than that. They were the last of 55 lb sacks but based on what I’ve read, I’m not worried. I’d use the water too if it smells and tastes ok.
I had a dry spell too Frank… it happens. I basically went from June to December with no brewing. Since Christmas I’ve put away 6 batches. It’s a great feeling to hook up 4 taps and still have two beers fermenting in the basement.
For the most part, I was not concerned a out the age of the grain, just that the base and specialty grains have been in same container for months. That did not stick out to anyone, so I guess I have no concerns there either
I had a few sacks of grain and then had my first kid, didn’t brew for about a year and three months. But I used that grain up and had zero problems, tastes fine. But just make sure your grain is crunchy and dry and not soggy or moist. Should be fine with the water too.