
I finally took the BJCP tasting exam.  Good thing because my online portion expires in about 2 weeks!  I think I did OK, but now the long wait begins.

Well, the wait is getting better.
The first time was a 7 month wait, the next time was 4 months.

My tasting was about 4 months to results, maybe a shade less. The written was right about 4 months to getting the grade.

Where did you take it?  Airways?

Yes, Airways brewing.  It was well-run. They did a great job.  I was only surprised by the number of flawed beers.  Hopefully I will pass.

I wish I knew you were in town as one of the examinees!  I was one of the proctors.
Yes, I was surprised at the mix, too.

Should be 3 to 4 month wait, but I have seen less recently.