Well, we finished our first ever brew day.
With my partner in crime, fretting over temps and me constantly sanitizing everything that we touch and handled.
We reached our targeted OG on the Russian Imperial Stout at 1.070!
Really proud we hit that number!
Now time to see how it develops, hopefully it’s a nice lengthy ferment. (2 weeks is what I’d like to see, but I’ll happily take 2 months on it.)
She can take all the time in the world, as long as we get a tasty beer that we can be proud of, and build upon. #Brewmeisters
We picked up 5 cases of bottles yesterday, someone was selling on Craigslist. Labels removed and already cleaned.
He asked, “what are you brewing? Extract or all grain?”
I almost dropped the case of bottles. We started talking and he used to Brew, offered to sell us some glass carboys.
As we parted, he said,” well, if you ever need bottles, give me a call. And if you want to get into stainless, I’ll get some stuff out.
We have a glass one sitting there, most likely will end up with some mead in it soon. Have another one I have to dig out and clean, but I think the brew train is about to take off!