First cider questions

I am attempting my first cider, and haven’t been able to find any info on a few questions I had…  Do I need to aerate before adding yeast?  Do I need to add DAP and energizer? If so, how much? Do I need to add them in increments like mead?  Thanks guys…

Yes aerate. Nutrient is a good idea. You don’t need to treat it like mead but just like beer IMO. And it doesn’t need to be rocket fuel either- I like mine around 5% if it is carbonated.

I’ve posted my cider method in homebrewopedia under common cider - Delmarva Cider, if you want to look it up. Unless you’ve heated it, which you shouldn’t, cider is well aerated already. Boiling drives oxygen out of beer wort. And I’ve nix nutrients. All they’ll do is help the yeast eat up those last few bits of sugar and bone dry cider doesn’t taste like much. Ferment cold if you can. It will be better.

And I see euge and I have given you opposite answers … That’s the internet for you.

I wouldn’t boil it either. I’ve always gave it a whirl with the paint-stirrer before pitching but if the cider is fresh pressed you could skip that step.

I meant like beer as in not like the steps you need to take with mead.

Thanks guys. I knew better than to boil it, so no worries.  Just wasn’t sure about nutrients and aerating. I do appreciate the info!