I have a handful of all-grain mini-BIAB brews under my belt with good results and I’m interested in trying my hand at my first lager. I’m going to break out my new temperature controller (thanks Santa!) and a garage chest freezer. I don’t particularly like the high-malt styles, so I’m going to try with either a Bohemian or German Pilsner. I’d like feedback on: i) my brewing plan and ii) if either style is more compatible with my current water profile (not open to building up from RO water for this batch) and iii) if either style is more forgiving to first-time lagering mistakes (I know both will have off-flavors easily detectable, but perhaps the sweetness of the Bohemian might be able to cover up a little bit, vs the German being more of a “blank slate”?)
Base water profile (after sodium metabisulfite addition to eliminate 3ppm chloramine, unfortunately potassium salt isn’t available): 12ppm Ca, 4ppm Mg, 16ppm Na, 12ppm Cl, 24 ppm SO4, 42 ppm alkalinity (CaCO3 equivalent)
Using EZ Water, I am aiming for final water profiles, both of which seem compatible with my starting water profile, though I’m open to feedback here):
For the Bohemian: 20ppm Ca, 4ppm Mg, 16ppm Na, 26 ppm Cl, 24ppm SO4, mash pH 5.5, RA of -107 (any concerns here? trying to keep as minimal as possible while hitting the pH target)
For the German (based on Kai’s water profile): 56ppm Ca, 9ppm Mg, 16 ppm Na, 67ppm Cl, 78ppm SO4, mash pH 5.5, RA of -103
For the Bohemian, I’m following the Morebeer.com Bohemian recipe, scaled down to a 2.5 gallon batch:
5.5 lb pilsner malt
4 oz Crystal 15L
4 oz Carapils
Mash at 153
1 oz Saaz for 60 min
1 oz same for 10 min
1 oz same for 1 min
Whirfloc and Wyeast nutrient for 5 min
For the German, I’m following the homebrewsupply.com German recipe, also scaled down, but adding a bit more hops so as not to waste a 2 oz pack:
4.5 lb Pilsner malt
4 oz Carapils
Mash at 149
1 oz Hallertau Mitelfruh for 60 min
0.5 oz same for 15 min
0.5 oz same for 1 min
Whirfloc and Wyeast nutrient for 5 min
For both:
Pitch 2x11.5g packets of W34/70 (not open to liquid yeast for this batch)
Primary at 50F for 2 weeks (longer if necessary), with a 2 day diacetyl rest at 65F
Secondary at 34C for 8 weeks, with gelatin fining for last two days (I’m willing to wait to reduce off-flavors during lagering, and I want to go for as clear a beer as possible)
Bottle condition with dextrose for 3-4 weeks or more at 68F, adding a small amount of US-05 due to long lagering and fining. (Could I get away with T-58 or S-33 belgian ale yeast for bottle conditioning to save a few bucks at my LHBS?)