First Lager

So i have brewed a few ales now (10), and recently i received a kegarator but i want to try make some lagers before i start kegging my beer (cheaper than buying the kegs).
what would everyone suggest for a first lager? keeping in mind that i use extract and specialty grains.

How about an Oktoberfest?  It’s getting to be that time of year soon anyway and an amber lager will be easier to pull off with extract and will be a little more forgiving than a pale one.

Or a Vienna.

Funny, those were the two I immediately thought of as well.  +2!

I’ll third the Ofest suggestion. Schwarzbier would be a nice choice for extract, too.

I agree with all of this. I think a schwarzbier would be the easiest on an extract + specialty basis. take pilsen light extract, and add carafa 3 + some roast and you have it. They are also a bit easier to control because black beers have a lot more room to hide than their lighter brethren.

My first lager was a Cali-common or Steam beer. All I used was straight amber extract and the requisite hops for the style. Turned out quite well.

The common’s lagering phase is a bit warmer- basically at ale serving temps so perfect for the kegorator, which is where mine was performed.

thanks for the suggestions
one my first thoughts was a marzen/Oktoberfest but i didn’t want wait for the traditional laggering time

i think i will try the Cali-common or schwarzbier

I not  a huge fan of the American style pale lagers minus actually batch 19 from Coors (and similar pre-prohibition pale lagers

after looking at the style guide for a schwarzbier, sounds like it’s similar to New Belgium’s 1554? If so that is one of my favorite beers from them.

Some good suggestions already.  Had two thoughts:  if you’re steeping w/extract, might be tough to pull off a legit Vienna (if you care about being legit);  Altbier might be another good hybrid to throw in the mix.

Since it’s your first lager be sure you pitch enough enough yeast, either the slurry from a gallon starter or multiple packs/vials.

+1.  Pay a visit to Mr Malty or Yeastcalc.


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