First Mash Tun made

Finally breaking away from BIAB and going towards a mash tun and a gravity system
all in all, it cost me about $30. I was stupid and bought before measured but I compromised and drilled a hole through the side of the cooler and I will fill the original spigot.
I haven’t brewed in it yet but I do plan on doing it this thursday.

$30 seems pretty cheap. I just had to replace my cooler for about $45.

Is that a 5 or 10 gallon cooler? Why not use the hole from the spigot?

I got the cooler from work for free, I actually got two. They are 5 gallon, and I had read a fourm on building a mash tun and without thinking I just used the same shopping list for the brass parts without measuring the size of the hole from the spigot. After I had realized it, it was 8:30 at night and I didn’t want to get back to lowes so I just drilled my own hole. It was also more expensive for the bigger parts and I like to do everything on a cheap budget

Cool I was just curious. I am all about doing things on the cheap as well so I get where you are coming from.

I’m not sure what you mean about bigger equipment. That looks like the same components I used with the existing spigot hole on my ten gallon cooler.

I don’t think you need to do anything with the original spigot hole. The back of the spigot has a seal that will keep closed. I guess there is always the risk that you bump into the black button on top and spill but the same can be said for your ball valve.

the diameter on the nipple was smaller than the hole from the spigot even with the seal on the inside

Balls, nipples and bigger equipment, hmmm, seems like we’re going off the rails here…

whats a mash tun?