First starter

I’m 6 hours into my first starter and I have bubbles forming on top, and its on a stir plate. Is this normal?


Thanks. Thought it seemed normal, but had to ask.

And if you are brewing soon, you can crash it in the fridge as soon as the krausen falls out.  Next time consider a timed shaken method (as opposed to stir plate) - it suggests pitching the whole thing at high krausen for the starter.  The thinking is that the yeast are ready to go to work and are healthiest at that point. The problem with pitching from a stir plate is that you can introduce oxidized wort, if you follow the same routine as the shaken method, but I digress…

I built my own stir plate before I came across the shakin not stirred thread on here.  I will probably switch to that method but wanted to use my plate.

If it makes you feel better, I have two Hanna stirplates that I have not used in a long time.