First Time Poster: Muffed up a Coffee Stout (Tart and Tangy)

First Time Poster and wanted to reach out and get some feedback.

I brewed the Midwest Brew Supply Peace Java Stout a few weeks back. I did the partial mash with a steep for 20 minutes of a specialty grains and then the full boil for 60 min.

According to the instructions I waited until vigorous fermentation was complete and added the coffee. This was done by brewing up the included coffee beans to a volume of 48 ounces and then added directly to the primary fermenter. If it matters, I added the coffee when it was still hot.

Bottom line, it has a good coffee aroma and flavor. But, the mouth feel is very light not like a stout and it is tangy/tart.

Any ideas?


Did you taste the beer before adding coffee? If so, did it taste good? That would determine whether the problem is just the coffee addition, the beer, or both.

I have no idea what that kit should taste like but I suspect the problem lies in the way they suggest adding the coffee. That adds a lot of extra water, which will thin out the beer, and drip brewed coffee generally produces the most acidic coffee. (Better options include steeping the beans directly or making a concentrated cold brew coffee. Avoids both of these problems in the future but doesn’t help with your current beer.)

For the current beer, options are somewhat limited. If it’s kegged you could lower the pressure for more of a cask-like pour which will mask some of the thinness and acidity. If you haven’t packaged it then you could target lower carbonation for the same reason. Adding lactose to improve the body may help. If bottled, there’s not too much you can do. Maybe a little chocolate syrup in the glass.

Thanks for the reply and feedback.

I did try the beer prior to the coffee and it did taste pretty good. And you’re right about the acidity, had another bottle last night and it kind of tastes tangy/acidy like cold coffee. I have talked to some other brewers and read other recipes and they suggested the same thing you did about steeping the beans next time.

Thanks for your help.

If you kegged, you could try putting some baking soda in the keg, but the proper dose is unknown.  As coffee beers are sensitive to oxidation, I would only try neutralizing some of the acidity if it is really bad.  If the stout has Guiness levels of acidity I’d leave it alone.