Fitting in?

Does anyone make/market a keg post to NPT fitting in ss?

Is this what you are looking for? Cornelius Keg Posts 1/4MPT x 19/32-18 (Adapter) [Plug-Adaptor-04C03365ih] - $3.99 : The Chi-Company, a home brewing company since 1996, New and used beverage equipment for Homebrewing, Home winemaking, Soda systems and used Pepsi vending equipment

I know a few people that have used these to modify a fertilizer/bug sprayer to clean ball lock lines.

Thanks, that is what I’m looking for. I made a brass fitting for my line cleaner. I wanted a ss fitting for my torpedo (whole house filter). I use a march pump to clean my kegs and recirculate the wort through the torpedo.