Flaked Oats

Just triple checking before I botch an entire 5 gallons…flaked oats just get stirred into the mash (not milled)?

Yes. But if you accidentally mill them, you’re still good.

Out of interest, what type of beer are you making?

Well I swore off making any more pale ales, but this is too interesting…


Good stuff, think you’ll enjoy it.

Justin, will you be targeting the murky “goodness?” Or is that not an aspect of this beer? I know that brewery is mentioned in the murky thread. No opinion either way, just curiosity calling

Yes! I want the mango smoothie look.

I brewed a very similar recipe last night. My hop schedule was from the clone you brewed.

How did it turn out?!?

Appears that this thread burned out. I am going to be bottling my batch tomorrow night.

Anyone interested in me posting pics? If so, I will gladly do so!  ;D