This is my first yeast starter, and after two days I now have white clumps floating around in it. I used 2 liters water, 6 oz of DME and wyeast. Is this normal? Can I still use it?
It’s hard to say . . . can you post a pic? What strain of yeast are you using? Wyeast what?
It was wyeast 1945 Neobritannia. Will work on picture. It looks like DME in clumps. Pretty sure I had it a dissolved.
you did boil the dme first, right?
Yes did boil it first. After letting it settle this time it looks like a yeast cake at the bottom of a carboy.
my first thought was that it was a clump of yeast cells. when they flocculate, they clump together till there is enough weight to make them sink to the bottom. most likely it’s just our yeastie friends.
This is my thinking as well. Hopefully you can post a pic.
Just finished up my home made stir plate and put the yeast on it and everything mixed up great and looks normal. Thanks for all the help.
Love the forum.
I’m not familiar with that particular yeast, but if its like other English style yeasts, it will tend to clump together. Looks like cottage cheese when its is being stirred. Its all good!