Floating Brewery

McMenamin’s posted this pic on FB of brewers from Brew Dog in Scotland floating down the Willamette River, brewing on a raft.  If you look closely, you can see the raft is floating on McM’s kegs!

Alright, you twisted my arm. I’m doing this!

Ah, that would be the life for me. One please!

target bearing, mark
range, mark
drink mark

When I was in my late teens we used to build rafts out of ply wood and we used several methods to make them float. From inner tubes attached to the bottom to large, capped PVC type tubing to make a real pontoon. Some of them had trap doors in the center with coolers attached so you could pull open the door and pull out a cold beer. Once we even put a 1/2 bbl keg on one and floated down stream. Fun times. If not maybe just a little redneck. :wink:

I try to avoid doing things a LITTLE redneck

There’s only one way to do things and that’s FULL redneck!  It’s guaranteed to be fun and it sure as hell will get ya noticed!

Awesome!  There’s an episode where they brew a beer on a moving train too.  My brother works for the ad agency in Minneapolis that represents the Esquire TV network, which is where the BrewDogs show will air in the U.S.  Apparently, the show concept is that they travel to the best U.S. beer cities, seek out the local favorites and visit the breweries.  Then, they source local ingredients and brew a beer in some extreme fashion (e.g., on a raft) using those ingredients.  Sounds entertaining, if nothing else!