Flow Control Faucet without line

Does this type of Flow Control Faucet that can be attached directly to the keg work properly?


I can’t comment on whether the tap would work if you dispense at carbonation pressure. Similar taps without flow control work just fine at low pressure.

Sorry, complete ignoramus here, don’t know what it means to dispense at carbonation pressure vs low pressure…

Folks generally shoot for a carbonation that corresponds to 10-15 psig (0.66 - 2 x 10^5 kPa gauge) of C02.  To use a tap without flow control like the one you linked to, you would have dispense pressure of 2-3 psig. If you left the beer at 2-3 psig, the beer would eventually go flat.

But it DOES have flow control, no?

Your specific tap appears to have flow control but your German is probably much, much better than mine.

Looks awesome. I hope it works and comes to the US.

Yes, but CAN it work well without a line? It’s expensive stuff.

It looks like it is connected directly to the liquid post. You will still need a gas side including gas line.

It depends on how much restrictions added. I don’t know. I think you should try it and let us know [emoji3]

Oh well, you only live once. Ordered it. We’ll see.

Looks like an interesting item…it would probably work well for my system since I really don’t like typical “American” levels of carbonation (especially for  hoppier ales).  I’d probably grab one of these if they became available in the states.  I wonder if they sell just the interface unit without the faucet (the area where the actual faucet attaches looks to be fairly standard).
By my calcs, the selling price for the unit pictured equates to about $100US

I can confirm this faucet works very well. Just connect and play a bit with the flow control handle and perfect foam.