So I’m in the big city(Midland TX) for a couple of days and have access to Lowes and Home Depot. Does anybody know of a brand of silicone sealant I can use on my future mash tun that I can find at one of these places, or some other place I can look?
There’s probably a PetSmart or PetCo or whatever in the area. The fish section should have aquarium sealant which should do the trick.
If it says kitchen on it it should be food grade.
Will these handle the heat?
+1 If it won’t kill a fish, it won’t kill you. Fish are pretty much used in homebrews the same way canaries are used in mining. I’m pretty sure I read that in a Zymurgy a couple years ago. Maybe it was BYO.
Yeah, no problem. It’s been the sealant on my Xtreme cooler mashtun for years.