for Denny

The Public House, La Jolla, CA

Nice.  8)

I imagine he’d be perfectly fine with that if they served some good craft beer there.

Good stuff . . . this menu is not 100% accurate, but it’s representative.  Good food too, I really liked the place.



Is this a sexual preference kine ting?  :o

I am sending this link to the AHLU.  ;D

Wow…so much hippie hate…  :cry:

Don’t worry Denny, I love hippies. Come to think of it, if I hadn’t been born 20 years to early I would have been a hippie. certainly spent enough time sitting on my own hair to qualify. never had a trust fund though.

So many people thank that anyone in the 60’s that had long hair and dressed a little different was a hippie and in most cases they were anything but.

Almost as much as us kilt wearers get!  ;D

If you listen to the words of this song and find them true then you will find there are more hippies among us than you think.

I know I’m one…

True, women tend to have long hair and dress differently than men.  That does not make them hippies.  :smiley:

Are you a professor ccarlson?

Why, yes, I am. and I’d appreciate you calling me Professor the future. :smiley:

That’s Mr. Professor Carlson.

“Is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?”

F. Zappa

Thank you.


These days, hippy is more of a fashion statement than a lifestyle.

Love that Zappa video