It should be interesting to hear what the International Trappist Association has to say about this…will they make them #8 or just lump them in with the 174 other monasteries.
Thanks for the link.
[quote]Monastery 200 km east of Munich/Munchen in Germany. It has been founded in 1293 and needs financial input to recover the old paintings, fresco’s and paintings.
I think this is a great idea to start brewery.
No passion just money. Way to go.
Just because your name is Miller it does not mean you know how to make beer.
There is a decent chance of getting an American Trappist beer. The Gethsemane Abbey, in Kentucky, is the source of plenty of rumors, and the local sales guy for Sierra Nevada confirmed to me recently that they’ve been in touch. Gethsemane is the parent abbey for New Clairvaux, the California abbey that SN is already working with. Gethsemane already makes some commercial products, including excellent cheese, fudge, and fruitcake :P.