Forbidden Fruit: How Fast, What Temp, and what else besides a Wit?

I decided to use forbidden fruit for the witbier I am making for a couple events this June. One issue I have is that I don’t know what the optimum temperature is. I was planning on cooling it to 64 or so and letting it ferment around 72, but I also considered pitching at 68 and letting it ferment at ambient (fermentation temp would probably be in the mid-70’s if I did this). Trouble is, I haven’t used this strain for a while and was also wondering 2 things: about how long should I expect it to go before kegging? And what else can I make with this yeast. I was considering doing a Dubbel or something akin to a Belgian Blond, but with honey in place of syrup/cane sugar.

3463 is a strain I used a lot before I had better temp control. I got good results with just ambient temp ferments. I’ve used for pretty much every Belgian style, except golden strong. It does a fine job.

My main comparison is 3787, with 3787 being a bit more savory, with more clove, IIRC, whereas the fruit was more apparent with 3463.