Foreign Extra Stout

Been working on a Foreign Extra Stout Recipe. Want something thats got roasty, coffee notes and a bit of sweetness and fruit from the malt bill.  As for the yeast profile I thought to go with a good attenuater hence London Ale and for hopes some earthiness, spice and a bit of fruit with the Goldings.

Thoughts? Ideas? I’ve done sweet stouts and RIS but not FES so any ideas are welcome.

11 lbs Maris
12.0 oz Flaked Barley
8.0 oz Caramel 40
8.0 oz Caramel 80
8.0 oz Roasted Barley
5.3 oz Midnight Wheat
5.3 oz Chocolate Malt
3 ozs East Kent Goldings (60 minutes)
Wyeast 1028 London Ale

Water Treatment
New York City Water
8grams chalk
2 grams baking soda
2 grams calcium chloride

Est OG - 1.074
Est Final Gravity 1.016
Mash Temp 152 for 90 minutes
Single Infusion Mash, Batch Sparge

Estimated SRM: 32,4
Bitterness 43.3 IBUS
Estimated ABV 7.6%

I think it looks great. Foreign Export is crazy overlooked and underappreciated. That’s a big one, but it’ll be great - I like around 1.068ish. All I would do is drop the midnight wheat and up the roasted barley to .75 lbs to balance the crystal. Enjoy !

I bumped the Roasted Barley but in removing the Midnight Wheat Im not getting the SRM I want. The reason I had it was for color but without too much harsh bitterness and its what my homebrew shop has on hand instead of Carafa II. I could just go with more Roasted Barley or Black Malt just wasnt sure.

I wouldn’t add more roasted barley - keep it at .75 lbs.  I didn’t run this through software but mine is normally ~ just under 40 SRM IIRC. I think the range for foreign export is like 30 - 40 SRM. I’d just use whatever midnight wheat gets you to your target color range. It’ll be good !

Yeah, I have it at 35 SRM with the wheat. Thats where I will go. Thanks for the note on the roasted barley!