Forum Regulars in Mag

Nice to see Martin Brungard’s article, Steve Rusch’s piece at the end, and Dan Flick’s work on the mead yeast experiment. No wonder this forum is so usefull! Good work. Hope I didn’t miss anyone. Or mispell anyone’s name.

heh funny.  Someone randomly came up to me and showed me that at the homebrew club meeting last night.  I had no idea. :wink:

FYI it’s Fick  ;D

Yep, I was lazy there.
Great mead yeast experiment. I liked the way that they laid out the tasting notes from the mead in the chart. I think I will likely reference that and compare it to my own experience. I typically age mead for 18 months before bottling so I think I have less of an issue with a couple strains that were “hot”.

Yeah it was an interesting experiment.  The hot aspect was present in most of the meads because they were mostly bone dry and fermented without temp control due to the sheer volume of mead they made.  I think the focus should be on honey character present and other esters etc present.  The yeast that really surprised me was the ICVD254.  I was quite surprised it was as dry as it was because it certainly didn’t taste that dry.  I have a cyser and a cider aging right now made with it purely because I was impressed from this experiment.

And Ruch. People trying to pronounce my last name often add an s, among other letters.

I think you can imagine what the other popular misspelling of my name is.  I’ll give you a hint… it’s what it actually means in German lol.

Funny stuff !

Me either. I submitted my piece several months ago and had no idea it would be in the current issue until I saw it.

I had something similar happen to me when my pic was in an issue this past summer (July I think).  I found out about it by receiving an email from one of the LHBS owners congratulating me.

Same here - gadgets issue a couple of years ago. Found out via Facebook. Same story when they use my bar build on their facebook page or the gin bucket somewhere.

Hey AHA/BA - is this something you guys could work on? It’s a bit odd finding out that your face/work was published in a magazine via the grapevine.

I didn’t want to mention this but whenever I see your screen name my dirty mind sees dkfick as a compound word made out of two nasty ones. But that’s probably just me…

And surprising to see it when you didn’t know it was coming. I really like the pleasure of looking forward to seeing something that I wrote in print. The previous piece they published of mine was preceded by signing a release so I knew it was coming and about when. 
Although bottom line: getting it printed, so I am not going to complain.

My ugly mug is in the mead article’s group shots from the day we mixed the must and pitched the yeast. Old guy in the red shirt.

Mrs. R didn’t recognize one guy we know who’s picture was in Gary Glass’s article about speaking and judging in Brazil. It was Gordon Strong, in a hat and sunglasses.

Good to see so many that I have met in this issue.