Forum Withdrawal coping suggestions?

With the forum software upgrade tomorrow, what are some good suggestions for coping with the associated “forum withdrawal” that I’m gonna experience while things are unavailable ?  :slight_smile:

beer, and plenty of it.

really? it’s going to be for like .5 hours isn’t it? visit the restroom. have a snack and a cup of coffee?

Isn’t there a chat room that is posted here from time to time?  I wonder if an integrated chat room will be in the new software release, rather than going to a separate site?

Either way, I’ll be driving home from work at that time.  And I rarely post on the forum from home…I get enough computer time at work.


I’ll be wiring in new light and hanging a ceiling in the basement about that time.  I think I’ll survive the outage.  8^)

Good luck and I hope it goes well.  I’ve had .5hr predicted outages that ate up days of my life.  8^(


Denny, you said:

[quote]the new software will be worth the short outage.

Care to explain what we’ll notice?

well, the good thing is that we’ve been testing the new software at a hidden URL for the last several weeks…no glitches, no problems.  Hopefully the real thing will be as smooth.

Tom, the interface looks a little slicker, but most improvements are “behind the scenes” stuff.

Yes, but what will be different?  Will users notice anything?

It’ll be unavailable. Eeeek!

No worries I’ll be on the road listening to Brew Strong…

Should I start wearing my tinfoil hat, more regularly?

I’m going to go start my own forum! With blackjack, and hookers!

In fact, forget the forum and the blackjack!

RDWHAHB  ;D :-* :stuck_out_tongue:


NOW THEY ARE TAKING THE FORUM AWAY???  :o :o :o ??? ??? ???

Just kidding  :wink: ;D :wink: ;D :wink: ;D

;D  I’m relaxed.

I know you are Tom.

It’s a lot like the current layout with some cool little upgrades. I think you’ll like it.

I’m more worried you guys are going to mess things up!

Ok, I’m not really, I was just curious how things will be different and why Denny thinks it will be “worth it”.

I’ll wait and see :wink:

The suspense is mounting… :slight_smile:

It’ll be worth it because then we’ll have the latest and greatest…isn’t that the purpose of life?  :wink:

Life begins at 30… 30°P that is!