I was just over a t Dennybrew, looking his site over again. While checking out the pics, it hit me…I have an issue…when I drain my mash tun, the wirt has about a two foot drop to the boil kettle, all the while in free fall. Then, its hits the bottom and splashes. Sounds like HSA to me! Man, and just when a brewer thinks he’s perfect, something like this comes up. :
So does this mean all the beer you thought was great before actually sucked? Seriously, I don’t think HSA is a huge concern. Still, prolly a good idea to lengthen your hose just in case.
I think there’s a joke in there somewhere.
No, my good beer was actually good. I always had a tube from my mash tun to the bottom of my kettle. When i set up shop here in Idaho, it went AWOL. I just never made any connection with it. I feel of HSA the same as I feel about Bigfoot when I’m camping in the mountains…its never been confirmed, but there are simple precautions I can take to be safe, just in case. So why not do it? Last thing I need is some Sasquatch jacking up my beer.
I do use a tube from the mashtun to the bottom of the kettle. A 4$ investment just make sure that no Sasquatch is doing any HSA to my beers!
The HSA debate will continue until it can be proven. As far as I know it hasn’t been proven with any conclusive evidence. There are so many factors at play that it’s almost impossible to pinpoint any one factor that causes oxidation. Dr. Charles Bamforth discussed this on the BN a few years ago, he states that nonenol is the main culprit. Nonenol is an unsaturated aldehyde found in aged beer but can get there through several mechanisms including HSA…maybe.
DUDE! That was a whole lotta learnin’ for me on a Sunday. Still thing I’m gonna pop the four bucks, though.
Either way, drink it fast and I see no wet cardboard for you.
I needed that laugh right now weaz… 8)