Found the cure for a cough

I’ve had a nasty cold for about a week. The cough will not let up. The cure? A shot of ginger brandy, heated in the microwave for about 10 seconds. A few sips, and the cough is gone. Instantly. Sore throat is bearable, and your head opens up.
  I tried to find the stuff in Idaho. I looked everywhere, and asked. People in the state stores looked at me like I was nuts. Well, soon as my plane landed here in Ohio Wednesday, I went straight to the state sdtore and stocked up. I’m also sending several bottles back to friends, and I will be loading my suit case with bottle of it when I go home. It really is a miracle cure.

I looked for “bacon flavored cough syrup” and there is none. Are they crazy? I would totally buy some!

Regardless, this is a start:


That could almost make me a fan of flavored coffee. But, I’m not even sure bacon could do that.

Hmm, ginger brandy, that’s a pretty good idea.  I might have to work this into the hot toddy though I haven’t been sick all year, damn.

30% bourbon
30% strong mint tea
30% fresh lemon juice
10% honey
and 30% ginger brandy (I need a bigger mug)

Gotta add a cinamon stick to that hot toddy.

Only 130%…?!

I know, I’m a slacker;  I feel terrible about it too.

He get 130% because he uses a blus mash tun.

He should try boiling longer…maybe he’ll get to 150%

haha, nice.  It really works huh?  I’d be interested in trying this remedy…

You can only get 150% if you live in the 57th state.  ::slight_smile:

I always put in a couple drops of cinnamon oil instead of stix…

You got a bad cough? I have the 100% guaranteed cure for a persistent cough.

10 Ex-Lax in the morning.

You’ll be to afraid to cough ever again.

Just be sure to refill the magazine rack in the bathroom before you do this. And invest in the Costco-sized toilet paper.

I dunno, might be too complicated.  I do like chewing on cinnamon sticks but I can’t picture what all those flavors would be like with cinnamon.  Guess there’s one way to find out.  cheers, j

I have found that the cinnamon oil, tho strong and burny…will both open your
breathing passages and numb your throat the pungent aromatics are wonderful when
you have that crud stuffing you up with a sore throat.

Caution tho, I MEAN only a couple drops…if you get too much, you are gonna burn

And I never tried it with your mint but was suprised to see the similarity of our recipe’s

50-50 lemon juice and honey microwave till loose and hot
…add the cinnamon oil drops…micro again a few seconds…
.add a shot or two of crown royal stir…drink…feel the relief.