Free Beer!

I’m looking to ship out a few bombers of the most recent IPA I brewed in hopes of feedback. Any brave souls game? Of course, I would ask that you have judged before and are savvy in the tasting department. The recipe I brewed is below.

PM me if you’re interested.

Looks like a great Brew. May have to try it myself at some point,

youre not a serial killer are you??? :o

Far from it, and truth be told my OCD lends to meticulous cleaning and handling during the brewery, no worries!

Thank you for taking me up on the offer, any Cigar City beers you’d like to try? I’ll throw some in.

never had any…im easy , so my wife says.

Which style of beer do you prefer?

looking at their selection, the pale ale, white ale, stout, brown ale, or IPA

Jai alai is wonderful"

I’m always down to try homebrew! I also live in MA and have had the real thing so I can compare your batch to it.

Thanks for the offer! I’m really not concerned with how close to HT it tastes…I’m more interested in an experienced taster or judge can give me solid feedback on the beer. Is that you?

Depending on how quickly you can get it to me I’ll take a shot at it. I’m leaving on a cross country move in two months but if you want to shoot me a bottle I’ll write up a score sheet and go all overboard on the feedback.

Let me know and I’ll PM you my address.

Yes please, PM sent!

:).  I am not your tester.  I would probably tell you “yum, man that is good.  I loves me some hops.”

Two comments:

  • Three cheers to the Northern Brewer, who post their recipes on-line.  Classy.

  • Four cheers to the Mashweasel and others who brought the Hopstand into to public realm of homebrewing techniques.  8)

I’d be willing to help out. Let me know if you are still looking for more feedback.