Free State Homebrew Guild at Craft Beer Kickoff

I’m confused by the “Free State Homebrew Guild” clubs that will be pouring alongside the pros at the Craft Beer Kickoff party. I don’t have a problem with it, of course, but are these actual clubs? Just curious.

Yup - members of the state guild

The Guild is an un-official “umbrella” group of stand-alone homebrew clubs throughout Maryland.  I am not on the local committee, but the AHA asked if Guild member clubs would consider pouring on Thursday during the Kickoff party, because they ran out of available space for Club Night.  We were each given the option to switch nights.

I believe that all of the Guild member clubs except us (Midnight Homebrewers’ League) are pouring on Thursday instead of Friday.  We opted to stay with Friday, because a few of our members who have beers being served at Club Night, will not be in attendance on Thursday.

Yeah the clubs in the Free State Homebrew Club Guild moved to Thursday night to free up some space for more clubs at Club Night.  We wanted to make sure we could get as many clubs as possible pouring this year.
