For the first time ever I got it. My last brew the S04 fermented way lower than usual. It was very cold for a while and the beer slipped down into the mid-upper 50’s for several days- even in the insulated fermentation chamber.
Never really got it above 65 during three weeks in the fermentor.
My test samples exhibited the Acetaldehyde flavor of freshly cut pumpkin. I think it is disgusting. Seems like it is the signs of incomplete fermentation. According to Palmer one should use cooler temps…?
It got kegged up and placed where it is a little warmer for the last three weeks.
Never experienced it before. Not pleased. Is this something that will sort itself out with time?
I’ve had it twice, tho to me it’s “green apple.” It was so prevelant that even folks who knew nothing about beer said “smells like green apples!” as their very first comment.
Both times, it aged out, and actually turned into fantastic beer. Took a month or more though. So don’t dump it!
These beers were bottled lagers which were kept at 45 to 60 degrees (after a normal lagering period in carboys). So based on that I would guess that keeping the beer at a temperature that the yeast are still active, is a possibly important thing. You should be at an advantage though being in kegs, with a greater healthy yeast concentration available to process this.
I haven’t had very many spoiled batches …maybe two or three over the last 25 years…but I have never had to toss any. Unless there are really nasty things going on, a soured or out-of-balance beer can very often make a good marinade for roasted, barbecued, and grilled meats. Try that before you toss anything…why waste it if you don’t need to?
Keg is in and tapped. Since the beer is about 60F I drew a pint after dumping one. Pumpkin flavor all gone… ;D Perfectly carbonated with good copper clarity for the second pint.
Holy cow i was afraid of losing this batch. Now I gotta brew again…