Friday the 13th Bike Rally

Any of you motorcycle riders out there ever heard of this? 
Happens summer/winter/rain/shine every Friday the 13th.

I have not heard, but you’ve reminded me I need to charge up the battery.

I haven’t been to a rally since the first bambina arrived…

Oh, you meant motorcycles…not the real bikes that are human powered.  Thanks.

I have friggatriskaidekaphilia! Friday the 13th is my lucky day!

My birthday will be on Friday the 13th in 2013, 2019, 2224, 2030…awesome is what that is.  My golden birthday was on Friday the 13th…That was awesome.  AWESOME god damn it!

Well then you ought to go to a bike rally on yer birthday.

A real bike rally with no pedals and lots of chrome.

Well fine then!  I’ll show up on my bike and be like, “Hey guys.  What’s up?”