GABF Sold OUT?!?

Trying to get some tickets after I get home from work. As normal people do go to work. I thought. But how are there a limited amount of tickets for the actual members of BA and AHA? And there will still be a General Public sale going on? That sounds a bit ludicrous. And really giving it to the members, and not in a good way.

Tie these tickets to the AHA Member. General public can scalp all they want. This is really a pathetic showing by members. And they should really be ashamed of themselves for buying tickets expressly to sale or trade them away for beer. I’ve seen more than a couple people post pre-trades for these.

From what I’ve been reading I’m not convinced that everyone that bought tickets were AHA members!

Even sadder then. What’s the point of having a members ONLY sale, if we can’t even buy them? They should sale these early to members, if the members choose, and send them out. It’s not like it’s a surprise where and when the GABF will be.

Yeah,  if you check Stub Hub and Craigs List, you will find all the tickets, multiple hundreds on sale for each session.  I am pretty sure they are not AHA members and I am pretty sure the whole 2 tickets per number system didn’t work at all.

Ticket master came through again, crappy security and a dumb system leads to the "members only " tickets on sale for up to $300.00 on stub hub.

Great job AHA and TM