
I’m sitting in a lawn recliner staring towards the NE sky.  The Geminid meteor shower is going pretty good tonight.  The sky is cloud-free, the moon set about an hour ago and we have had four really big bright green meteors and quite a few smaller ones since midnight, just over an hour ago.  The peak of the shower is supposed to take place between midnight and sunrise on Tuesday.  Well, they are putting on a pretty good show tonight too.  Another bright slow mover steaked down, sizzling and leaving a glowing trail as I write this on my iPhone.

A big bright one got my attention out the bedroom window at around midnight, so I poured myself a wineglass of mead and settled into a recliner out here on the lanai.  It’s a beautiful night.  70 degrees and a breathtaking sky full of stars.

I’ll have to check it out. I love a good meteor shower.

Rotten luck - rain in the forcast for the next few days here.

Love watching these but the low teens may put a damper on it tonight :cry:

Suck it up, Sally!!!

That will be taken as a challenge 8)

Too overcast to see anything here, but I got the kids up at 2 AM over the summer to check out the Perseids.  I love meteor showers, we just don’t get to see many of them in the PNW.

I got a pretty good look at the Orionids a month or two ago.

Probably better than looking at the Orionads.

You see those in a different kind of shower.

Well, the sky is perfectly clear tonight. But… the temp is in the single digits and falling fast. Gonna have to drink a couple brews before bundling up and heading outside.

Good man. It was a challenge!  :wink:

I’m on the outskirts of the city so I can see quite a few stars, though still close enough to ruin the experience. Crystal clear skies, 45F and I’m only seeing a few streaks. One was quite large and it looked like it broke up. Ahhh maybe another look in 15-25 minutes…

It was clear today so I had high hopes!  But no, cloudy and raining.  Shocker.

As Bill Cosby once said about clear skys in the Pacific NW, “What did we do wrong?!”

Hope you get to see some!  You never know.  The skys may clear.  Sometimes you can see lightning-like flashes in the clouds (green lightning).

Last night, here in Puna, they weren’t overly numerous, but they were big, greenish, sizling  and slow moving for the most part.  Bright enough to cast big shadows.

Tonight’s sky here is cloud-free with moonset is around 12:45AM…  Looking good!

Oh I saw lightning flashes last night all right.  And heard thunder, and strong winds, and hail, and trees falling and crap hitting the house.  Loud enough to wake us up, the back yard is a mess.  And now I’ve got to go up on the roof and clear off the branches.  I hate going up on the roof.  Fortunately most of the big stuff landed well away from the house and there doesn’t seem to be any damage to any structures.  I haven’t checked the fence yet.