This is my first post on here and apologize for such a silly question. I made a partial mash Pale Ale last weekend which is fermenting nicely. While I was making it I may or may not have imbibed a few too many from my last batch. I had just began chilling it when I realized that the last two pounds of DME that were supposed to go in at flame out were sitting on the counter. Since I had just started chilling I poured in the DME and to be on the safe side brought it up to boil temps again and re-chilled and pitched the yeast.
Have I opened the door to off-flavors or infection by doing this, good to go, or 50/50?
It might be slightly different as compared to following the directions, but it will make beer. The most obvious possible difference might be hop bitterness, but since you won’t have a batch by the directions to compare with, who knows.
First, welcome! No dumb questions here, we’ve all had brewing gaffes. Since you had just started chilling, I don’t see any major issues with off flavor or infection since it was brought back to boil. The extract is prepared and ready to use, and I assume you stirred it in thoroughly. Let us know how it comes out. For the record, my number of brewing screw ups went down to nearly zero after I stopped drinking while brewing. $0.02 .