General Worryation Over Probably Nothing

Good afternoon,

This is my first post on here and apologize for such a silly question.  I made a partial mash Pale Ale last weekend which is fermenting nicely.  While I was making it I may or may not have imbibed a few too many from my last batch.  I had just began chilling it when I realized that the last two pounds of DME that were supposed to go in at flame out were sitting on the counter.  Since I had just started chilling I poured in the DME and to be on the safe side brought it up to boil temps again and re-chilled and pitched the yeast.

Have I opened the door to off-flavors or infection by doing this, good to go, or 50/50?

I’d be surprised if doing this led to off flavours or infection.

It might be slightly different as compared to following the directions, but it will make beer. The most obvious possible difference might be hop bitterness, but since you won’t have a batch by the directions to compare with, who knows.

No worries

First, welcome!  No dumb questions here, we’ve all had brewing gaffes. Since you had just started chilling, I don’t see any major issues with off flavor or infection since it was brought back to boil. The extract is prepared and ready to use, and I assume you stirred it in thoroughly. Let us know how it comes out. For the record, my number of brewing screw ups went down to nearly zero after I stopped drinking while brewing. $0.02  .    :slight_smile:

Still making those screw ups.  Still sippin’ while brewin’.  Old dogs and all that.

Yup, sipping on a pint during the boil (not before) and a puff on a good cigar is part of what makes a brew day special.

Thanks for everyone’s responses!