German Beer Brand ID Help!

I have a friend who is fond of telling a story about a German friend of his who had a favorite beer whose name, loosely translated, meant “fart a$$ bang”. I’ve attempted to figure out what brand/style of beer this is to no avail. Word of advice, don’t simply google the three words unless you want addys for porn sites. I tried translating each word and searching that way and haven’t come up with anything.

Any help?

I’d think Kai ought to be able to help out with this…

I typed in the search here (fart bang)  it was Pubarschknall from Ludde Brau. Hope it is what your looking for.

With a name like “Fart Ass Bang”, it’s gotta be a wheat beer  ;D

Pubarschknall, thats it!  Someone on another site got it too.  Not sure where the “fart” part fits but the other two words are spot on.  No pun intended.

Thanks!  I think…

I found it.

The beer is called “Puparch Knall” and brewed by Brewery Luedde in Quedlinburg. Not far from where I grew up.

Here is a description I found I tried Google translate, but I had to clean it up a lot.

translated: A term, that has become indispensable in Quedlinburg, is the beer brewed by Lüdde in Quedlinburg. It’s called “Puparsh bang”. It was born out of the vernacular. It is a brown beer for self-service. Filled into bottles, it is stored for a week where ferments. It’s the best brew for father and son. Nothing can happen, since there is almost no alcohol in it. But it tends to cause flatulence, hence it names. It is also on the menu of the brewery restaurant where you can order it w/o blushing and and it goes off the waitstaff’s lips very easy.

Interesting beer. I wonder to what extent there is a risk of bottle bombs since it seems to be young beer according to the comment of little alcohol yet fermentaion.


“pupen” is another German word for farting. Not as common as “furzen” though. The latter is the closer translation to farting.


Thanks Kai, explains things nicely.

I also found a post I made last year where I mentioned this beer, apparently my friend remembered the name back then.  Go figure, I had no recollection of him ever knowing the name.

The things I learn from Homebrewing. ::slight_smile:

Pumpernickel bread has it’s roots in Westfalia: 
Pumpen → fart
Nickel → Nicholas → Old Nick → the Devil

Pumernickel = Devil’s fart

Ichen pupen furzen! Und keine eier!

Is that what happens after you eat Die Eier Von Satan?

To digress farther, this place was a favorite of some friends. I have a picture of the signs backside somewhere.

haha, I’m quite sure it is.  That song is quite amusing, although I usually skip over it straight to “Pus***”.

I know it doesn’t translate the way we think in English, but . . .

(In Dresden)

This is in the red light district?

So thats their version of “eat”?  I have learned something.

Glad I could give us all license to discuss the juvenile side of bier.

Not red light, and not eat.  It means “ace”.  A few old guys were playing cards while I had my beer :slight_smile: