Get fitted for a bra fellas

Apparently IPAs cause Moobs - Man Boobs:

Saw this yesterday and didn’t give it much attention. Now it seems to be spreading. Hopefully the Food Babe will start a campaign to put a stop to these reckless brewers.

This paper is decades old, and controversial at best. There’s been no compelling evidence that I’ve seen in the meantime. Just sayin’.

But yeah. Can confirm.

ETA: If you follow this particular clickbait all the way down, you get a 2012 paper self-surveying the sex lives of 109 Spanish alcoholics in rehab. Good stuff. Unfortunately I can’t find the full text for free.

The women working in the hop fields in Flanders have always been known to have a size extra, so why not? ::slight_smile:

Yeah, she likely will. That or we all start wearing a Manzier or a Bro.  :wink:

Yup. A reference to a Herbalist but no source(s) or actual facts cited except in a link to another article referring to a10t2’s Spanish alcoholic study. But that was for “droop”… something I wouldn’t know about…

All I know is since I’ve started drinking IPA’s I’ve gained 20 pounds  :-X

If it’s spreading, I think they make supports that will lift it and bring it forward.

Read a story yesterday completely debunking this.

From someone who had manboobs before he started drinking hoppy beers?

Time to call Mr. Costanza and order a manzeir?

I’m sitting here right now with the Victoria’s Secret catalog–Oh wait–that has nothing to do with this article; I do that every month. Oh well, maybe this time I’ll order something from it. ;D